Monday 8 April 2013

Badge it Maker its back #Review


Badge it is back !


Badge It! returns by popular demand after calls from the craft loving public to reintroduce this much loved toy. Released in the UK in 2003, over 1/2 million makers were sold in the first year and Badge It! picked up the ‘Creative Toy of the Year’ award. Now with craft making experiencing a surge in popularity Badge It! returns.
The Badge It! maker has got quick, simple, no-mess badge making all buttoned up! Make unique, high quality metal badges in seconds of your favourite pop star, footballer or pet. The award winning design makes creativity simple as there’s no glue and no mess. You can use photos, pictures from magazines or your own drawings to make the badges you want. So get creative, and wear your badge with pride!
What’s in the box:-

  • Badge It! badge making machine
  • 15 Badge Tops
  • 15 Badge Bottoms
  • 15 transparent seals
  • Template
  • Badge Design Sheet.
  • 15 safety pins
  • Instructions

I have to admit I have always wanted a badge it since I was a little girl so when was offered to try one I just couldn't say no. My two older children Callum and Michaela just couldn't wait to get started, they both took in turns watching each other patiently.
 First of all we took all the contents out of the box and layed them out on the table I did have to read the instructions out to them both as they were a little difficult for them to understand and the pictures weren't very clear.

So first they had to choose their design from the design sheet. There are 15 designs on the sheet and you just have to cut around the one you want to use to make your badge.

 Next they had  to pull out draw 1 whilst holding the handle of the machine. They then put the badge top into the slot and place  their design on top and then a transparent seal on top of those. They then had to push the draw in and hold the handle while turning the dial clockwise until it reaches position 1 and clicks, its a loud click so you won’t miss it. Once they heard the click they then turn the dial counter clockwise until they reached the starting position.
Next they pulled out draw 2 and place the badge bottom in the slot then push the draw back in again,  they then held the handle and turned the dial clockwise until it reached position 2 and clicked once it clicks they turned the dial counter clockwise so they were back to the starting position. Once they removed their badge from the maker they had to then push the pin into it which was really simple and safe to do.

My daughter Michaela aged 6 was so amazed to find all those pieces made a wonderful badge and she was so proud of her self, she just had to make another one.
They had so much fun making their own badges and have used up all the contents but not to worry you can purchase a refill pack for just £8.99 and the Badge it Maker can be purchased for £19.99 which comes with 15 designs.

Badge it is really fun and has so many cool designs or you can design your own by cutting a picture using the purple template provide, my two children and I love badge it they both found it very easy to use once the instructions were read to them.
We give Badge it 4/5 as the instructions could be made a little more clear for children to understand too.
Refill pack

Find Badge It! at The Entertainer and

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