Friday 30 March 2012

Bazooka Sweets Introduces MegaMouth


Bazooka candy have built a new fun website for kids that offers Flash games, exciting prizes and download able activities to play online or offline.

The Site is an on line games portal for kids with a built in reward mechanism. Playing games generates both a score and earns the user credits which they can use to unlock premium games and downloads (wallpapers, activity packs etc) from the virtual store. Each item in the virtual store has a value attached to it (e.g. 200 credits for a wallpaper, 500 credits for a game).
Kids can come to the Site and play games without registering, but registered users are able to save their score and credits earned and build on this when they next return to the Site.
Each game on the Site has an individual leader board of high scores, which only registered users will appear on. In addition, there is a “global leaderboard” which is used to identify the best overall players registered on the Site, and at the end of each month one of the top 10 players is randomly selected to win the monthly prize. The monthly prize is on rotation, but kids are able to see in advance what prizes are coming up each month.

When you first get to the site, you will see a menu where you can either Register or Log in to start.
Registering took lest than 5minutes.
Once you have registered you come to a screen that has three options Games, Store  or Prizes. By clicking either of thses options you will have instructions to help you.
By playing Mega mouth games you can earn points to improve your rank and get more credits to buy premium games or other great contents.
When we first registered we was given 110 credits to start us off.
 There are 5 games unlocked for you to start playing these include Hoop shoot, BMX blast, copper dash and many more fun and exciting games too.
Mega mouth have a great competition on there games website you can also take part in and its really simple to enter too prizes include a RipStik skateboard, Rawk helmet, Vans backpack, DC trainers and loads more amazing goodies!               
Why dont you take a look for your self at  their site is fun and keeps the kids entertained too

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